Community Assets of Value
As part of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) a Community Sub-Group was established. This forms part of the NP Steering Group and whose remit is to identify relevant assets within the Settlement Area of the village, including certain areas or buildings, which would be nominated to be listed by the East Herts District Council as Assets of Community Value. The Council will consider all proposed assets and, have the ultimate decision as to whether any of these items may be registered as an Asset of Community Value.
The Localism Act 2011 created the Community Right to Bid, which gives eligible organisations such as Town and Parish Councils and defined community groups the opportunity to nominate an asset (buildings or land) they believe to be important to their community wellbeing. The intention being to try to retain these assets within the community going forward.
There is no guarantee that registration as an Asset of Community Value will keep the item/s for community use. If the nominated asset is registered as an Asset of Community Value and, if the owner wishes to dispose of the asset, there is no obligation on them to sell to the nominating group or any other community group.
Various areas, buildings, etc have been reviewed within the Stanstead Abbotts Settlement Area covered by the NP, in line with the relevant legislation governing this subject.
The local Parish Councils have agreed that the following should be submitted to EHDC as prospective assets:-
Town Allotments - entrance opposite the Co-Op in the High Street;
Church Allotments - opposite St Andrew's Church on Cappell Lane;
St James Church;
The Oak Public House;
The Red Lion Public House;
The Village Club;
The Scout Hut;
Nigel Copping Community Centre;
The Jolly Fisherman Public House;
Nigel Copping's land behind Sanville Gardens;
St Margaret's Community Woods; and
The Old St Margarets and Buntingford Railway Line.
It is intended to include these items within the NP policy as valued assets within the village along with:
Stanstead Abbotts Parish Hall/Ashlea Rooms;
The Lounge at Chapelfields;
The Community Centre at the Folly; and
St Margaret's Recreation Ground.
Although considered valuable assets, these latter items do not meet the criteria to apply for them to be designated Assets of Community Value.
To take this matter forward, the relevant Parish Councils will be submitting the completed applications to EDHC for their approval.
Great Amwell Parish Council are also submitting proposals for several other sites, not listed above. However, these sites are outside of the Settlement Area and, therefore, will not be included within the NP.