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        This report has been completed by an independent advisor and provides details on                    planning policy, evidence, site assessment, ranking and outcome. Please review and any            questions you may have, we ask are directed through the Neighbourhood Planning email          address, which is noted at the bottom of this page. Click here to review report. 

  • Housing criteria scoring amended following Aecom's recommendations - Review Here

  • Site Assessment Critical Criteria - Round 1 - November 2020 - Preview Here

  • Aecom Site Assessment Review - June 2020 - Preview Here

  • Site Assessment Ratings Matrix -October 2019 -  Preview Here

15th Oct 2020 Meeting of the 3 Parish Councils Outcome:

The Three Parishes decision was made on the following plan (click on the PDF icon below for full details):

  • Site allocation Policy SASM H3 Land east of Netherfield Lane/south of Roydon Road for

       approximately 60 homes(sites K and L).

  • Site allocation Policy SASM H4, Land north of Chapelfields/east of St Andrew’s

       Church for up to 10 homes (NEW site)

  • Site Allocation Policy SASM H5, Land south of South Street for up to 6 homes (sites 5

       and 6 amended)

  • Site Allocation Policy SASM H6, land to the west of Amwell Lane for up to 10 homes

       (site 35)

  • Site Allocation Policy SASM H7, two garage sites on Abbotts Way for approximately 6

       homes (sites 32 and 33)

  • Site Allocation Policy SASM H8, land to the east of Amwell Lane for approximately 7

       homes (site 23)

Completions of a further 10 homes which have planning permission or are under construction identified in Policy SASM H9 (site 28 and 30b) with the possible addition of a further 4 homes on site 29 pending written confirmation for East Herts District Council that these homes will be included in the target number of 94.

9 homes which have been built and occupied since April 2017 (sites 30a, 36, 37 and 38)

Stanstead St Margarets Parish Council put forward the following amendments. Amendments 1 and 3 were agreed. Amendments 2 and 4 were not.

Amendment 1

That the three parish councils request that the Neighbourhood plan be amended in respect of site SASM H6 (Amwell Lane) - to replace 2/3 storey in height to 1/2 storey subject to Great Amwell PC's agreement


Amendment 2

That the three parish councils request that the Neighbourhood plan be amended to preserve the greenfield site SASM H4. (Chapelfields/East of St Andrews)


Amendment 3

That the three parish councils request that the Neighbourhood plan be amended to maximise locally affordable housing, such as social housing or similar.


Amendment 4

That the three parish councils request that the Neighbourhood plan be amended to preserve the greenfield site currently protected by greenbelt status, namely the northern part of SASM H3 known as the "Almshouse Field".


Draft Housing & Design Policies (Incl Sites)

Details of sites to be approved for Consultation on the 15th October 2020 by the 3 Parish Councils (Stanstead Abbotts, Great Amwell and Stanstead St.Margaret's). View pdf 

Sites Approved in Chronological Order by the Three Parish Councils 2019 - 2020. View Pdf

New Homes Price Analysis. View pdf 

Call for Sites - Deadline 4th April 2019 

If you own land that you would be willing to put forward for potential development, please complete the attached form and return this to the contact noted on the form. View pdf 

EHDC Housing Needs Survey - 2014. View pdf 

EHDC Green Belt Review - Sept 2013. View pdf 

       Site Selection Process
Site Selection Publication - Jan 2021.PN
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